2 Card Confidence Solver Mastery

  • Comprehensive Solver Guide: This course covers everything you need to know to effectively use solvers in your poker studies.
  • Actionable Strategies: Learn how to apply solver insights to make better decisions at the tables and improve your win rate.
  • Time-Efficient: The course is designed to be concise and to the point, so you can quickly learn and implement the strategies.


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What is 2 Card Confidence Solver Mastery for Cheap?

To let you enjoy all of the benefits above, were going on a journey.

We’re exploring how to set up simulations properly, how to analyze the data given to us, how to break it down into understandable pieces and most importantly, how to take away the information that’s most valuable and actually apply it at the tables.


For that, we’re going through this complete process in each of the 3 most popular solvers – PioSOLVER, GTO+ and GTO Wizard.

After a quick refresher of Poker Game Theory and the basics of solvers, we’re setting up simulations in each of the solvers. Then, we’re analyzing example hands in each of them – this is where you’ll learn how to extract the most knowledge out of every simulation you run.

Following up, we’re focussing on the solvers’ additional features. Comparing various boards, figuring out exploits and simplifying strategies.


Why are they called Solvers? Because they solve your Problems

Applied correctly, solvers can remove the biggest pain points you have when playing poker.

They allow you to:

  • Find out what to do in any spot
  • Find out how to play against good and bad players
  • Deal with downswings by reassuring or redirecting your play
  • Not get frustrated when you get shoved on / overbet / check-raised in a tough spot and feel like you’re being exploited
  • Figure out which hands you should bluff(catch) with and which not to
  • Apply principles backed by GTO to crush your games and make more money

But there is a catch…

Unfortunately, these problems don’t get solved by themselves. You can’t simply tell the solver what you want and get the result handed to you.
It’s actually quite the opposite: By not knowing what you’re doing, you might even hurt your game and play worse.

Without the knowledge of how to use solvers properly, you might simply look at results, try to emulate them and take away completely wrong conclusions. Resulting in more confusion than before and less profits at the tables.
That’s where most people fall into when they don’t bother with taking in proper instructions first.To help you avoid that, I’ve created this course.I took my 7 years of experience with solvers, packaged them over the span of 7 months, and put everything into 4.5 hours of video content to let you enjoy all the benefits solvers can give you – while avoiding all the pitfalls.

The Solution Made Simple

“Making something simple feel complicated is easy. Simplifying something complicated is valuable.”


You’re not here because you want to build a solver. Or to make a scientific research about Game Theory.

Well, neither am I. So why should we bother with stuff that only matters for that?

You’re a poker player. And you want to USE solvers to crush more than ever before.
That’s why this course is built for a poker player by a poker player.

That means:
  • No rambling about every little option a solver has, but can only be used in 1/500,000 hands
  • No tens of hours of “content” you have to go through, forcing you to filter out for yourself what is even important
With 2 Card Confidence Solver Mastery you get:

  • 4.5 hours of scripted, to the point content, packed with the info you really need
  • Simple and digestable explanations, created with the single goal of making them as easy as possible for you to intake and apply right away
  • The frame
    work to analyze any hand in 3 simple steps, so you never feel overwhelmed by the solver’s outputs
  • A system to create solutions which are astoundingly easy to remember
  • An even better system which removes the need to memorize solver outputs by heart at all
Your time is what you should value the most and so do I.

What’s inside the 2 Card Confidence Solver Mastery?

To let you enjoy all of the benefits above, we’re going on a journey.
We’re exploring how to set up simulations properly, how to analyze the data given to us, how to break it down into understandable pieces and most importantly, how to take away the information that’s most valuable and actually apply it at the tables.
For that, we’re going through this complete process in each of the 3 most popular solvers – PioSOLVER, GTO+ and GTO Wizard.
After a quick refresher of Poker Game Theory and the basics of solvers, we’re setting up simulations in each of the solvers. Then, we’re analyzing example hands in each of them – this is where you’ll learn how to extract the most knowledge out of every simulation you run.

Following up, we’re focussing on the solvers’ additional features. Comparing various boards, figuring out exploits and simplifying strategies.

All you’ve got to do is get on board and start the journey!

The Value-Bet Guarantee

All the best study with solvers – coincidence?

I can’t promise you you’ll make it to high stakes by using solvers.
What I can promise you, however, is that the higher you go up in stakes, the higher the chances are that there’s only one person at the table who doesn’t use solvers for studying. And you don’t wanna be that guy.
At lower stakes, you might be able to get away with using your gut and playing profitably just based on intuition.
So what do you think how much more money could you make if you added a theory proven background to your game? If you not only made your own game less vulnerable, but also knew the best way to exploit the weaknesses you see in your opponents’ play?
$200 a month? $1,000 a month? $5,000 a month?
The beautiful thing about poker growth is that it’s not linear. It compounds.
The earlier you improve, the earlier you’ll make more money and can move up in stakes. And the earlier you play higher stakes, the earlier you’ll make more money at those higher stakes.
Meaning an additional $200/mo today might lead to an additional $10,000/mo a year from now, compared to what would happen if you didn’t start today.
So start early. Start now!


The Greatest Exploit of your Life?

Now is your chance to get all the above benefits and bonusses, adding up to a total value of $1,024 – which should be a bargain considering it can help you make hundreds or thousands of dollars more per month!
But since I really want you to have no reason not to get started today, you’ll get it for a single payment of just $399.
This might very well be the greatest exploit of your poker career.



2 Card Confidence Solver Mastery Contents

Bay of Basics

The basics of solvers and poker game theory

Welcome To The New World
What, Why, How – Poker Game Theory In A Nutshell
What Is A Solver?
How Solvers Can Help You
How Does A Solver Work And What Can It (Not) Do?
How Solving A Hand Works
How To Navigate Through This Course

Solver City

How to set up simulations in solvers and use them

PioSOLVER – How To Set Up A Simulation – Hand Details
PioSOLVER – How To Set Up A Simulation – Bet Sizes
GTO+ – How To Set Up A Simulation
GTO Wizard – How To Set Up A Simulation

Arena of Analysis

Actually using solvers to analyze hand examples

PioSOLVER – Actually Setting Up A Simulation
PioSOLVER – How To Interpret Results
PioSOLVER – What To Look At First
PioSOLVER – Facing A Bet – Why Do The Solver’s Results Look Like This?
PioSOLVER – Do I Have to Remember All These Results for Every Hand?
PioSOLVER – The Approach To ACTUALLY Learn From Solvers
PioSOLVER – How To Explore The Choice Of A Bet Size


PioSOLVER – Finding Out How To Play Against A Bet
PioSOLVER – Finding Out How To Play Against A Bet – Blockers
PioSOLVER – How To Find Out Why Certain Hands Are Good Bluffs (Or Calls, Raises, Folds)
PioSOLVER – How to Get Perfectly Accurate Solutions Quickly – Subtrees
PioSOLVER – How To Use Solver Results In Practice – 0 EV Bluff Catchers
GTO+ – Actually Setting Up A Simulation
GTO+ – What Does GTO+ Show Us?
GTO+ – Using Different Bet Sizes – Which And Why?
GTO+ – How These Bets Can’t Be Exploited
GTO+ – How Bad Is It If We Use A Different Bet Sizing Than What The Solver Suggests?


GTO+ – Experiment With Bet Sizes To Find The Best One
GTO+ – How To Never Have To Memorize Again
GTO+ – Takeaways
GTO Wizard – Actually Setting Up A Simulation
GTO Wizard – Pros And Cons Of GTO Wizard’s Bet Sizes
GTO Wizard – Making It Easy To Visualize Ranges
GTO Wizard – Why Overbets Are So Effective
GTO Wizard – The Framework To Finding The Right Bet Size In Game
GTO Wizard – What To Do Facing A Bet
GTO Wizard – The Most Important Habit To Have When Working With A Solver
GTO Wizard – When Not To Listen To The Solver
GTO Wizard – Takeaways
GTO Wizard AI – Preflop Ranges – Removing Limitations
GTO Wizard AI – Fixed Bet Sizes – Solve Faster
GTO Wizard AI – Automatic Bet Sizes – Get THE Best Bet Size On Any Street
GTO Wizard AI – Dynamic Bet Sizes – The Best Of Both Worlds

Forest of Features

Additional features that allow you to dive deeper into analyses, simplify your strategy and find strategies to exploit suboptimal play

Explore Bet Sizes On A Deeper Level – Subtrees.mp4
How To Find The Best Bet Size On Every Street
What Would We Do On Other Flops/Turns/Rivers? – Scripting/Aggregated Reports
How To Exploit Suboptimal Play – Node Locking pt. 1
GTO Wizard AI – Node Locking Update.mp4
How To Learn And Remember Strategies Easily – Node Locking pt. 2
Never Forget – It’s Not Black And White


When should you use a GTO / equilibrium approach and when should you try to exploit?

When To Apply GTO And When Not To
What Is The Best Solver To Use?

Training Court

Run a simulation yourself

Now You!
Nacho124441 vs LLinusLLove Hand History
Stay on track
Sim Files GTO+.zip
Sim Files PioSOLVER.zip

C-Betting Certainty

Perfect your c-betting strategy and always know how to approach the flop

1. How Good Is The Flop For You?
2. How Does This Affect Your C-Betting?
3. How Do You Apply This In A Real Game?


2 Card Confidence Solver Mastery
2 Card Confidence Solver Mastery


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